The Condo News print newspaper is published every Wednesday in season (November through April), and every other Wednesday from May through October. It is circulated throughout Palm Beach County, from Delray to North Palm Beach, and from Singer Island, Palm Beach and South Palm Beach to Royal Palm Beach, in Condominium, Cooperative and Home Owner Association Communities. For more information, or to have the Condo News  brought to your community, e-mail us or write to: P.O. Box 109, West Palm Beach, FL 33409. Tel:(561) 471-0329


Welcome to CN's Fit After Fifty Column by Betty Thomas

Village Royale on the Green Clubhouse Gallery


Village Royale on the Green New Owners' League Board and Directors

Photo by Warren Timm

L-R: Floyd Zonenstein, First VP /Chair; Diane Shapiro, Delegate at Large; Marlene Adams, 3rd VP; Brian Miller, President; Gloria Pikoulas, Delegate at Large; Audery Bloom, 2nd VP; Cathy Kaplan, Secretary. Absent from picture though at the meeting: Albert Menard, Treasure & Leslie Sandusky, Delegate at Large.


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